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Join the Wisconsin Conservation Hall of Fame

To join the Wisconsin Conservation Hall of Fame, print this page, fill in the blanks, and send the form and your contribution to:
WCHF Foundation, Inc.
Schmeeckle Reserve–UWSP
2419 North Point Drive
Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481

Become part of Wisconsin's conservation history by becoming a member of the Wisconsin Conservation Hall of Fame Foundation with your contribution. Help commemorate those who labored in years past to ensure the future of Wisconsin's abundant and diverse natural resources. Keep alive the ideas and ideals of men and women whose foresight preserved our environment.

I would like to become an affiliate member of the Wisconsin Conservation Hall of Fame.
My tax-deductible donation is enclosed. Please fill in the blanks and circle your choice of membership.


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Sponsor $25 Supporting $50
Sustaining $100 Patron $500
Benefactor $1,000 or more  

Thank you!

Open seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Located in the Schmeeckle Reserve Visitor Center
2419 North Point Drive – Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481

For more information, call 715.346.4992


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