Saturday, April 24, 2021
Four free Induction Ceremony events were held live on a virtual platform to honor our 2020 and 2021 Wisconsin Conservation Hall of Fame conservation heroes! Overview/Invitation
Announcing and Celebrating the 2021 Inductee: Gary Eldred
Celebrating our 2020 Inductees: Stephen Born | Jens Jensen | Stanley Temple

Gary Eldred - 2021 Inductee
Gary Eldred is a self-taught citizen conservationist whose passion for prairies and volunteer work to preserve them led to the formation of The Prairie Enthusiasts for which he has served as leader of both the organization and field activities.

Stephen Born - 2020 Inductee
Stephen Born is a well-known UW-Madison professor who specialized in environmental planning and worked on almost every aspect of water management, the Great Lakes, inland lakes, groundwater, rivers and watersheds, in addition to loving all things trout.

Jens Jensen - 2020 Inductee
Jens Jensen is a landscape architect of the Upper Midwest who developed public parks, preserves, and private estates, focusing on indigenous plants and the location’s ecological features, who also founded the “school of the soil” in Door County known as The Clearing.

Stanley Temple - 2020 Inductee
Stanley Temple is a UW-Madison professor who studied endangered birds, habitat fragmentation, invasive species and other factors leading to species declines, and now serves as a Senior Fellow with The Aldo Leopold Foundation, researching, writing and speaking about Leopold.
Schedule of Events
9:00 a.m. - Stephen Born: Retired Professor of Urban and Regional Planning & Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Speakers
- Harry Peterson, President Emeritus, Western Colorado University, Gunnison, CO & Retired UW-Madision Administrator
- Todd Ambs, Deputy Secretary, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
- Speakers
- William Tishler, Professor Emeritus of Landscape Architecture, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Darrel Morrison, Professor and Dean Emeritus, School of Environment and Design, University of Georgia & Senior Honorary Faculty Associate, Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Jens Jensen, Owner Jensen Ecology in Madison, WI & Great Great Grandson of Jens Jensen
- Michael Schneider, Executive Director, The Clearing, Door County, WI
- Speakers
- Curt Meine, Senior Fellow, The Aldo Leopold Foundation, Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
- David Drake, Professor & Extension Wildlife Specialist in the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Speakers
- Rich Henderson, Retired Research Ecologist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources & Board of Directors Member and Past President of The Prairie Enthusiasts
- Mark Leach, Senior Scientist, Chippewa Savannas Chapter of The Prairie Enthusiasts; former Bro Professor of Regional Sustainable Development and Director of the Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute, Northland College; former Restoration Ecologist, University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum
Thank you to our Sponsors. These events are made possible, in part, by the financial and in-kind support of our generous Sponsors.