1916 – 1993
Inducted 1996
Robert Ellarson’s voice is embedded in the memories of thousands of people alive today. As children, they listened to the Monday morning program “Wonderful World of Nature,” on the state radio network. The children probably relished chance to get away from the drudgery of classroom work. Here was this friendly voice talking about frogs and deer, trees and rivers.
Yes, it was a break from routine, but Bob Ellarson’s nature lessons were indeed educational. He’s best known for that program, which ran from 1956-81. During its broadcasts, the program reached some 30,000 urban and rural young people weekly. In many ways, the Milwaukee-born Ellarson was the first and, perhaps, most effective of environmental educators.
Ellarson was a longtime wildlife professor and Extension wildlife specialist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He recognized the “multiplier effect” of teaching teachers about the environment. As part of his radio program, he developed a teachers’ manual to help teachers learn more about natural resources issues. It was revised and modified each year, and helped teachers to go beyond the on-air lessons.
Ellarson’s work with youth didn’t stop there. He also served as head of wildlife project work for state 4-H clubs. His 4-H conservation camps and tours for members and leaders enjoyed heavy attendance each year at Camp Upham Woods in south-central Wisconsin. Now known as Upham Woods Environmental Education Center, the camp continues to foster environmental education.
Ellarson was involved in scores of other environmental education activities, notably working for more than two decades to improve woodland management on private forests. He held field days and seminars across the state.
But Ellarson will most be remembered for his dedication and enthusiasm in bringing an environmental message to young people and teachers. Do you remember those words, “Welcome to the Wonderful World of Nature?” If you do, chances are they bring back fond memories of a learning experience that was fun and entertaining.
Robert Ellarson Legislative Citation
WCHF Induction speech by son, Bruce Ellarson, 1996
WCHF Induction speech by Robert L. Ruff, Emeritus Professor and Extension Wildlife Ecologist in the Department of Wildlife Ecology at UW-Madison, 1996
Exploring the Legacy of Leopold’s Students: Remembering Bob Ellarson, article by Stanley Temple (WCHF Inductee), 2016

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