ANNOUNCEMENT: The 2020 WCHF Induction Ceremony was cancelled. Stephen Born, Jens Jensen and Stanley Temple will be recognized at the 2021 Induction Ceremony.
The Wisconsin Conservation Hall of Fame Foundation (WCHF) celebrates the year of the 100th Inductee with three new conservation leaders.
The inductees are: Stephen Born, a well-known UW-Madison professor who specialized in environmental planning and worked on almost every aspect of water management, the Great Lakes, inland lakes, groundwater, rivers and watersheds, in addition to loving all things trout. Jens Jensen, a landscape architect of the Upper Midwest who developed public parks, preserves, and private estates, focusing on indigenous plants and the location’s ecological features, who also founded the “school of the soil” in Door County known as The Clearing. Stanley Temple, a UW-Madison professor who studied endangered birds, habitat fragmentation, invasive species and other factors leading to species declines, and now serves as a Senior Fellow with The Aldo Leopold Foundation, researching, writing and speaking about Leopold.
Thank you to our sponsors for their financial support of the 2020 Inductees!