The Foundation Board consists of volunteer Directors that govern the affairs of the WCHF Foundation, Inc. to celebrate and advance Wisconsin’s conservation legacy by sharing the stories and achievements of Wisconsin Conservation Hall of Fame Inductees. The Foundation Board has all operational, policy, business, and fiduciary responsibilities for the WCHF Foundation, Inc.
The WCHF Foundation Board meets regularly via zoom. Voting Member Organization Representatives and Affiliate Members are welcome to attend and observe Foundation Board meetings. To attend a meeting or request an item be placed on the agenda, please contact WCHF. You will receive information about upcoming meeting dates and a link to attend. Members of the public who would like to make a comment or inquiry of the Foundation Board may do so by contacting WCHF.
2024-2025 Foundation Board Members
Todd Ambs (2023-2025)
Retired from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources at the end of 2021 as Deputy Secretary, Todd served in various capacities in over a half dozen state agencies in Wisconsin and Ohio during his career. From 2003-2010, Todd was the DNR’s Water Division administrator, where he was lead negotiator for the State of Wisconsin during the development of the Great Lakes Compact. Todd has worked in the environmental policy field for more than 40 years, his extensive experience in both state government and nonprofit organizations includes serving as the director of the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition, executive director of two statewide river organizations, policy director for the Ohio Attorney General and senior policy analyst for the Wisconsin Department of Justice. Todd graduated from Eastern Michigan University in 1980 with a Bachelor of Science in Political Science/Speech. In addition to being a board member of the WCHF, Todd is currently the Chair of the Great Lakes Commission and also serves on the Advisory Council of Wisconsin Sea Grant.
Paul DeLong (2022-2024)
Paul is Associate Dean of Operations, Policy, and Stakeholder Engagement in the Division of Extension at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Prior to joining UW in 2021 he was for five years the Senior Vice President for Conservation at the American Forest Foundation (AFF). He earlier served 13 years as Wisconsin’s Chief State Forester and Administrator of the Division of Forestry, part of his 24-year investment serving the people of Wisconsin at the Department of Natural Resources. Paul holds a B.S. in Forestry from UW-Stevens Point and an M.S. in Natural Resource Policy from the University of Michigan. Paul and his partner Abby are the parents of two adult children and live in Madison, Wisconsin.
Tom Dunbar (2023-2025) 
Tom has not wavered in his passion for landscape architecture and the environment. While serving much of his career as principal of Dunbar/Jones, a design and planning firm, Tom also taught landscape architecture and community planning and served on advisory committees at the university level. During his 50-year career, he presented on topics of sustainability, conservation, problem-solving, team building, strategic planning, land stewardship, and public input and engagement at professional meetings and workshops. Tom’s commitment to his profession also found him serving at all levels of professional leadership, including as President of the American Society of Landscape Architects. From designing outdoor classrooms for
preschoolers to evaluating landscape architecture programs on university campuses, Tom’s work has influenced all levels of profession and community. BS Landscape Architecture, MS Landscape Architecture, Harvard Certificate, and MBA.
Michael Engleson, Treasurer (2024-2026)
Mike started with Wisconsin Lakes in 2009 as Communications Director and became the organization’s Executive Director and Lobbyist in 2012. He has extensive experience with nonprofit organizations as staff or as a board member, including the River Alliance of Wisconsin, 1,000 Friends of Wisconsin, the Tenant Resource Center of Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Community Fund, and Prairie Music & Arts. A graduate of Lawrence University and the University of Wisconsin Law School he enjoys time out on the water as well as both listening to and making music. Mike is son of WCHF Inductee, David C Engleson.
Tom Hauge, Vice President (2022-2024, & 2025)
Tom worked for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for 37 years in the wildlife management program, serving the last 25 years as the program director. He retired in 2017 and lives in Prairie du Sac with his wife Mary Jon. Tom has served as a board member for Wisconsin’s Green Fire and currently co-chairs their wildlife working group. He is a Director on the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation’s Board and is the current president for the Sauk County Conservation Alliance, a network of the local outdoor clubs.
Richard (Dick) Hemp (2023-2025)
Richard is retired Senior Vice President of Sales, Maytag Corporation. Held various leadership roles in sales, marketing, business development and general management over his 37 year career with Maytag. Thereafter, he did business consulting and was a guest instructor of strategic marketing at the University of Nevada. Richard is a regent emeritus, former chair of the Luther College Board of Regents and former interim president of Luther College. He recently served as a trustee on the Board of Vesterheim National Norwegian American Museum & Folk Art School. A BA graduate of Luther College and USMCR veteran, Richard is son of WCHF Inductee, Richard A. Hemp. He resides in Reno, Nevada with his wife, Joanne.
Marco Mascitti, President (2023-2025)
Marco is a graduate of UW-Stevens Point in the Wildlife Ecology major, as well as from UW-Whitewater with the Graduate Business Foundations Certificate. His career as a Thrivent Financial Advisor is centered around helping people consider their legacies. He has been continuously inspired by those who help create an impact that can last generations. Marco has been involved in the WCHF for several years and especially embraces the stories, history, and recognition that the organization serves to the Wisconsin conservation community. Marco is active in conservation volunteer work and also serves on the board of the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation and the Monroe Street Merchants Association in his hometown of Madison. Marco’s favorite outdoor activities include snowshoeing, camping, hiking and fishing with friends, family and his life partner Dacia.
Peter McKeever (2023-2025)
Peter McKeever is a land conservation attorney who represents local land trusts, other conservation organizations and conservation-minded landowners. He has been actively involved in land conservation work in Wisconsin for more than 33 years, including ten years as the State Director of the Wisconsin Chapter of the Nature Conservancy. He has been involved with non-profit organizations for his entire career, having been a founder, board member, employee, consultant, board president, and executive director. He was formerly a member of the Monona City Council and serves on the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission. He is active with the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology and has had a lifelong passion for environmental and conservation issues. He and his wife Marena Kehl have an off-grid cabin on 75 acres in Northern Wisconsin that is protected by a conservation easement.
Jamie Nack (2023-2025)
Jamie Nack is a Senior Wildlife Outreach Specialist with the Division of Extension and the Department of Forest & Wildlife Ecology at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Her work involves developing and delivering educational programs for youth and adult learners on the ecology, management, and conservation of wildlife. She also teaches university courses for wildlife ecology undergraduate and graduate students and enjoys mentoring the next generation of natural resource professionals. She is a member of a number of conservation organizations and an active member and past-president of the Wisconsin Chapter of The Wildlife Society. She received her B.S. from UW – Stevens Point with a double major in Wildlife Management and Biology and a M.S. in Wildlife Ecology from UW – Madison. Jamie, her husband, and two daughters live in Columbia County and enjoy spending quality time together outdoors.
Nels Swenson (2023-2025)
Nels has a long volunteer history with Ducks Unlimited. He is a past State Chairman, has served the Ducks Unlimited Inc. Board of Directors and currently serves on the National Public Policy Committee. He is the recipient of the inaugural National Public Policy Volunteer Award. He is a retired Custom Home Contractor and a master carpenter. He and his wife Jill live in Oregon, Wisconsin. His passion for wetland habitat conservation continues as the Public Policy Chairman for Wisconsin Ducks Unlimited.
Julie Van Stappen, Secretary (2025-2027)
Julie recently retired from Apostle Islands National Lakeshore as the park’s Resource Stewardship Director, leading the park’s natural and cultural resource management, research, planning, and compliance programs. During her over 40 years with the National Park Service and 35 years with Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, she had the great fortune to work with a wide variety of talented and passionate collaborators to protect and conserve National Park areas, especially Apostle Islands and Lake Superior. Julie received her B.S. from U.W. Oshkosh in Geology and M.S. from U.W. Stevens Point in Natural Resources. Julie and her husband John live on an old glacial beach ridge near the shores of Lake Superior west of Washburn, Wisconsin.