Lorrie Otto in the News

Bill Berry is a WCHF Governor and he is also a columnist for the Madison Capital Times. He recently wrote a column featuring Lorrie Otto entitled “Will we survive the current batch of ‘environmental terrorist’?” He talks about the heroes of the environmental movement started in the 1960s like Lorrie Otto and the Citizens Natural Resources Association (CNRA), and about the terrorists who are today dismantling Nixon’s EPA.

It’s a good read. I especially liked the final para which reads “Will we survive the current batch of “environmental terrorists”? Maybe. Personally, I wish Lorrie Otto was still alive so I could watch her tear Pruitt apart.” I would, too!…

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August is National Water Quality Month

August is National Water Quality Month. The end of the summer is a good time to reflect upon this valuable resource and how important it is to our daily lives. Indeed, there are some who are concerned World War III will be fought over water.

Our bodies are 60% water, so we need non-contaminated water to stay healthy and to be vital residents of this Earth. Unfortunately, maintaining water quality is not an easy undertaking because of the huge amount of pollution which occurs from its use by manufacturing and the oil industry, and from the collateral damage often caused by farming. Non-Point source pollution is one of the largest water quality problems in the USA.

What can we do?

Although we can have …

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Proposed Changes to the Endangered Species Act (ESA)

The Environmental Protection Act

In the 1960s, smog was killing Americans, lakes were so low on oxygen they sustained little life, and there was a 400 square mile oil spill off the coast of California that killed bird and other wildlife. Nixon had just become president with a mandate to find some way to fix the environmental problems and stop pollution.

Shortly after taking office, Nixon set up the Environmental Quality Council with the mission to solve these problems. The Environmental Policy Act of 1969 was signed into law on January 1, 1970. Later he signed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act into law. The Environmental Protection Agency which was the administration arm of these Acts became …

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