Sigurd Olson “Wild Prophet”

Sigurd Olson
Sigurd Olson was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1987.

A friend of WCHF recently sent a newspaper article from the Minnesota’s Star Tribune about Wisconsin son Sigurd Olson who was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1987. It begins: “Famed author and wilderness advocate Sigurd Olson put a fresh sheet of paper into his typewriter at his home in Ely, Minn., and tapped out a thought.

Written in three lines, centered, like a poem, were these words:

A New Adventure is coming up
And I’m sure it will be
A good one.”

The next day these words were found by one of his sons, after Sigurd had passed away while on an adventure with his snowshoes. What a fitting memorial for such a literary laureate to wilderness lovers.

Read the entire article in Minnesota’s Star Tribune Outdoors Weekend edition entitled Wild Prophet.