Mending the Earth

A new book featuring Lorrie Otto quite prominently has hit the shelves. Mending the Earth in Milwaukee, written and published by Ney Tait Fraser, is a how-to guide about natural landscaping in southeastern Wisconsin, but is written in such lyrical fashion it’s like reading about an urban adventure. The stories are about Lorrie Otto and 15 friends and acquaintances, some of who took the plunge as early as the 1970s and 1980s, who began converting their yards to natural landscaping using native plants. Their stories are about a love affair with native flora that continues through to today, and the many photos included in the book only add to the adventure.

Lorrie Otto who led the battle to ban DDT in Wisconsin in the …

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Aldo Leopold featured at Mono Lake, California National Park

WCHF Member Richard Hemp wrote recently that he was pleased to discover this tribute to Aldo Leopold at the Mono Lake, California National Park Center recently. Another interesting discovery was that not only is Aldo Leopold’s prominently featured at the Mono Lake National Park Center, but as their poster indicated on the bottom right side “Leopold’s words can be found on each sign along the Lee Vining Scenic Byway Tour.”

Dick wrote about the park that “this is a spectacular drive into a prime Sierra Nevada area.  Possibly not far where John Muir spent time…at least around Yosemite.”


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Lorrie Otto in the News

Bill Berry is a WCHF Governor and he is also a columnist for the Madison Capital Times. He recently wrote a column featuring Lorrie Otto entitled “Will we survive the current batch of ‘environmental terrorist’?” He talks about the heroes of the environmental movement started in the 1960s like Lorrie Otto and the Citizens Natural Resources Association (CNRA), and about the terrorists who are today dismantling Nixon’s EPA.

It’s a good read. I especially liked the final para which reads “Will we survive the current batch of “environmental terrorists”? Maybe. Personally, I wish Lorrie Otto was still alive so I could watch her tear Pruitt apart.” I would, too!…

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